Pause to be Present: Soul Care in a Time of Crisis

Staff therapist Peter Wolff, LGPC, will be offering a free, live webinar on April 2nd at 8:00pm EST. This webinar is meant to equip our community with practical and experiential tools to enable participants to remain connected to God, themselves, and others during this time of heightened anxiety, fear, and trauma. Soul care – tending to our relationship with God and our souls – is vitally important during a time when our minds are filled with fears, our hearts are heavy with grief, and our attention is demanded by the latest headlines. We invite you to join us, to pause, and be present. Click the link to sign up. You’ll receive a confirmation email within 48 hours. 

Even if you can’t join us live, click the link to register and you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access a recording of the webinar.

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